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Tag Archives: Voice Ways
Voices Preserved
“Playing” – one in a series – this oral history piece collects the voices of older adults reminiscing about the games they played as children. Brilliantly crafted in a way to evoke the intercutting of neighbourhood sounds. While out … Continue reading
Ecologies of Performance
Aram Saroyan – Crickets Two recordings: Exhibit A Performance of “Crickets” a poem by Aram Saroyan, during Other Minds Festival 23 – Sound Poetry: The Wages of Syntax. Recorded on April 9, 2018, at ODC Theater in San Francisco, California. … Continue reading
American Style Pasta
Noodlephant Written by Jacob Kramer Illustrated by K-Fai Steele Published by Enchanted Lion Books You will be enchanted by the creativity that goes into the pasta making and the endearing civil disobedience. After being dragged through kangaroo court, jailed in … Continue reading
Venture a Voicing
Dare you to read this aloud (or at least subvoclaize): The experience of reading poetry aloud when you don’t fully understand it is a curious and complicated one. It’s like suddenly discovering that you can play the organ. Rolling swells … Continue reading
Road Back to Semantics
Umberto Eco “Porta: Rhythm and The Poetic List” translated by Samuel Fleck in Piercing the Page [A formulation he repeats from the Postcript to The Name of the Rose] I said that signifiers engender a thought and not that a … Continue reading
F R A N C O I S [fʁɑ̃swa]
A visit to the coffee shop. I know they will get my order correct and I dread how they will mangle my name. We are not in Montréal where “François” would be quite common. I usually pronounce and spell (sometimes … Continue reading
Twitter Twatter
The book is delightfully peppered with notes that replicate little yellow stickies. One of my favourites: A twong is like a twang but more twongy. David Walliams Boogie Bear illustrated by Tony Ross And so for day 2448 26.08.2013
Kids Stuff
They recur like structural building blocks… Alice Burdick Holler “Voices of the familiar” [ending] Musical notes, sings Hazel, and Arthur says water when he sees ducks. “Baby wheels” [ending] What’s happened to you, baby? You used to be entirely air, … Continue reading
The Body, Its Environment, Its Exercise
Northrop Frye captured something of the imprinting that happens when good models abound. And are taken up, bodily. Now if we write in a way that we never speak, the first thing that disappears is the rhythm. It is hardly … Continue reading
The Fullness of Words
Adrienne Rich Sources The Heyeck Press, Woodside, 1983 The poem ends with the expressed desire to rest “among the beautiful and common weeds” but recognizes there is no such rest. A phrase has occurred at intervals throughout the sequence: an … Continue reading