
Dr. Selia Karsten marries the world of art and pedagogy. She has a keen design interest in stars. See

With her in mind I collect mentions of stars in the poems I read. For example Amy Lowell’s epithet “comrades of the stars” to describe primroses. Here are two others that sit nicely side-by-side. The first is from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

For age is opportunity no less
Than youth itself, though in another dress
And as the evening twilight fades away
The sky is fitted with stars, invisible by day

And something more recent is the conclusion to “Quails” by Meg Kearney

the sailor who sees farthest
bows before the bevy of quails

rising reluctant but steady
toward their memories of stars.

And with that phrase “memories of stars” I am reminded of Joni Mitchell’s “Woodstock” and its lines about being stardust.

And so for day 330

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