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Tag Archives: Temporality
Found and Found Again
Hannah Alpert-Abrams I’m starting to believe it’s ok to think of the content we produce for the internet as ephemera. It’s fine if it disappears. And if it happens to re-emerge thanks to someone’s archival care or the vagaries of … Continue reading
Kenneth RexrothLove Poems from the Japaneseedited by Sam Hamill We were togetherOnly a little while,And we believed our loveWould last a thousand years. Ōtomo no Yakamochi And so for day 312502.07.2015
Alter Natives Alert
José Esteban MuñozCruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity The present must be known in relation to the alternative temporal and spatial maps provided by a perception of past and future affective worlds. Look both ways before plunging… … Continue reading
Now Then
Aislinn HunterThe Certainties This was back when I was fooling myself into thinking Narcissus was a small part of my work on the Metamorphoses and not, somehow, the central thing. Bernard listened politely, which was typical of his disposition, though … Continue reading
Timed Twined
egg-bearing time knitting a nest from another time le temps ovipare nidification d’un autre temps I first came to these lines and attempted a translation through the work of Tara Collington. “Le nid du temps : le chronotope créateur dans … Continue reading
Duration and Endurance
I am thinking about time and theories of change after reading Suzanne Guerlac‘s Thinking in Time. But first a detour through the poets:. As Seamus Heaney wrote (in another context) “A new rhythm, after all, is a new life given … Continue reading
Mieke Bal Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative Fourth Edition “Heterochrony” My choice of the term heterochrony is motivated by the emphasis on difference, rather than multiplicity only. Migration, a much-discussed topic of our time, is the exemplary situation … Continue reading
Assault on the Anecdote — Triumph of the micro-narrative
Clark Blaise Time Lord: Sir Sanford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time An observation on Impressionist painting turns to a remark on time and chance: The Impressionist revolution, we’ve been told, is all about light. Light means a self-lit … Continue reading
Group Experiences of Time: décalage et synchronisation
Trying to keep in mind both calendar and time zones may be mind bending. As one commentator wrote at jill/txt in response to “patterns thankfully disrupted” dated Friday: March 12, 2004 and trying to explain his pluralization of “calendars”. Let … Continue reading
Totem Traces
Treasures of and for the Self… A time may indeed come when the pictures and statues which we admire to-day will crumble to dust, or a race of men may follow us who no longer understand the works of our … Continue reading