In and Out: A Confessional Poem by Daryl Hine opens its second section with a description of the less than pristine melting of accumulated snow and debris.
Instantaneous Spring had attacked
Montreal overnight like a laxative,
loosening snow from the slopes
of the mountain, from rooftops and side walks
and streets, where it piled up in barricades
during our annual siege,
till the city began to resemble
a dissolute snowball dissolving,
while under the mud and the mess
deliquescent and delicate music,
a faint, subterranean gurgle
of muttering rivulets sang
a disturbing, subversive refrain.
I like how the “mud and mess” — appealing to a visual mode of disgust cedes to an aural enticements — “deliquescent and delicious music.”
And so for day 326