Small Kindnesses from the September of That Year

What one notices is the sometimes a delicate detail.

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Feedback: CBC Radio
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 01:43:24 -0400 (EDT)

I want to thank David Wisdom for the selection of music that concluded
an intense day of listening to media reports and placing phone calls on
September 11th. The first pieces of music that I heard and could listen
to were played on CBC — Phillip Glass playing his own composition for
piano “Metamorphosis” followed by Aretha Franklin giving a soul
rendition of “Bridge Over Troubled Water”. Somber, clear, expressions of
American culture very worthy of CBC Radio Two’s motto of “Classics and
Beyond”. This was indeed music for the weary mind, body and soul. Much

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: David Wisdom
From:    "Margaret Fitzpatrick" 
Date:    Wed, September 19, 2001 11:42 am

Dear Francois:

Thank you for your e-mail. We appreciate the time and effort you have taken
to email us regarding CBC's programming during this period of crisis in the
United States.  Your kind words are much appreciated.

We will record your comments and suggestions on our Audience Reaction
Report, which is circulated throughout our news staff and amongst our senior
producers and programmers within the CBC including the President and CEO,
Robert Rabinovitch.

Once again thank you for taking the time to e-mail us.

Margaret E. FitzPatrick
Communications Assistant
CBC Audience Relations

Years later, I am reminded …

Everyone needs some positive feedback, and it is in your interest to encourage generous people, who at any rate deserve it.

Miss Manners

And so for day 2642

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