Shoes & Laces

A cobbling of quotation:

There we are again: the ethical question of how to render “experience itself.” Lyricism becomes associated with the moral failings of a belles lettres tradition of dressed-up writing, one that makes the words shimmer, shudder, and tremble but cannot capture the experience it describes. So is literary lyricism’s moral failing the same as that of a scientific language equally inadequate to the task of transmitting the experience itself? Better, it seems, to play the humble artisan whose attitude toward his work is strictly utilitarian: “I think one needs to have an artisanal sense of this, just as one should do a good job making a shoe, so one should do a good job making a book.”

p. 239

Lynne Huffer. Mad for Foucault: Rethinking the Foundations of Queer Theory.

A list of meditations on Van Gogh’s paintings of shoes:

Heidegger: The Origin of the Work of Art
Shapiro: The Still Life as a Personal Object
Derrida: Vérité en peinture
Fredric Jameson: Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

Kickin it on down the road …

And so for day 2516

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