I like the contrasting and complementary colours on the front and back of the dust jacket… Soufflés, Quiches, Mousses and the Random Egg
Our amusement continues inside.
George Bradshaw supplies an anachronism to make a recipe memorable in the section on quiches:
But, i you are not, and would like to know the way to make a rich and easy crust, here is one that was first written down by Sir Kenelm Digby three hundred years ago:
In a bowl place three ounces (a small package) of cream cheese […]
Project Gutenberg assists
The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
To half a peck of fine flower, take a pound and half of Butter, in this manner. Put your Butter with at least three quarts of cold water (it imports not how much or how little the water is) into a little kettle to melt, and boil gently: as soon as it is melted, scum off the Butter with a ladle, pouring it by ladlefuls (one a little after another, as you knead it with the flower) to some of the flower (which you take not all at once, that you may the better discern, how much Liquor is needful) and work it very well into Paste. When all your butter is kneaded, with as much of the flower, as serves to make paste of a fitting consistence, take of the water that the Butter was melted in, so much as to make the rest of the flower into Paste of due consistence; then joyn it to the Paste made with Butter, and work them both very well together, of this make your covers and coffins thin. If you are to make more paste for more Tarts or Pyes, the water that hath already served, will serve again better th[a]n fresh.
Unlike Bradshaw’s recipe there is no cream cheese here let alone from a package.
And so for day 2502