Images sometimes stay with one for a long while (e.g. this cover from a 2005 catalogue for Lee Valley) before they rhyme with another that opens up the imagination (the back cover of Stanley Tucci The Tucci table : cooking with family and friends). The theme of course is “work by hand”.
Marjorie Perloff in The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage notes
Rimbauldian — or Poundian — phanopoeia is not, of course, a mere aggregate of concrete visual images. Eisenstein, who shared Pound’s predilection for the ideogrammatic technique of Chinese poetry, defined montage as follows:
… the juxtaposition of two separate shots by splicing them together resembles not so much a simple sum of one shot plus another shot — as it does creation. It resembles a creation — rather than a sum of its parts — from the circumstance that in every such juxtaposition the result is qualitatively distinguishable from each component element viewed separately.
Still perplexed by how memory is triggered to produce such “rhymes”. But not perplexed about the why: it’s about pure pleasure.
And so for day 2862