Juvrianto Chrissunday Jakob, English Lecturer, An English Enthusiast and Coffee Lover (https://medium.com/@markriand) < I learnt today about https://medium.com (a modest payment to view the articles housed there $5 per month as of April 20, 2020).
I came across this fellow coffee lover and English Enthusiast via Presentase Macropragmatics speech acts Austin and Searle (the examples display a little dated heterosexist bias but are quite useful nonetheless).
https://www.slideshare.net/juvrianto/presentase-macropragmatics-speech-acts-austin-and-searle < Accessed April 19, 2020.
27 slides in total.
See especially slide 8 for definitions of Austin's three types: locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary.
Note — one utterance can have one or more types associated with it (see slide 9). Juvrianto Chrissunday Jakob captures this quite well.
Searle is found from slide 11 on
- Directives
- Commissives
- Representatives
- Declaratives
- Expressives
Coming to a dictionary near you: “commissives” related to “comity” [ [mass noun] courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others: a show of public comity in the White House. Source: Apple Dictionary, Version 2.3.0 (239.5)].
There needs to be a transition before slide 17 (It and some previous slides could use some indenting to read more clearly)
The examples taken from Mey could use a more explicit citation: Mey who? when? where? It is a lovely curation but provenance needs to be more explicitly stated: Jacob L. Mey is the author of several books. See
Future projects (notes to myself):
Map Searle’s classification (it would useful to have a more complete citation in the slide show < for an example, see http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/projects/milca/courses/dialogue/html/node66.html) to Austin’s three (3) types. Explore if this has been done before.
Yes I think there is something to explore in mapping Searle’s classification to Austin’s 3 (three) types.
Cf. (confer and compare) – denotation and connotation
Cf. (see also) – this interesting climax flow of by Pius Akhimien at Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria. I call it “climax flow” as a short form for its description: “Diagram showing utterance / perlocutionary act relationship”,
https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Diagram-showing-utterance-perlocutionary-act-relationship_fig1_301675781 < Accessed April 19, 2020 < Citation: Akhimien, Pius. "Perlocution: Healing the "Achilles' Heel" of Speech Act Theory" California Linguistic Notes (Winter 2010) Vol XXXV No. 1. < I do love the pun on heel/heal.
Off to explore more about speech acts by going a little mum to listen to the conversations… (is listening a speech act?)
And so for day 2772