Cross-posting to the blog.
Subject: That was then — this is now — they’re connected
Dear Colleagues
I am sending this by email with my permission to propagate.
People ask me how I am coping. I learnt a lot from a set of peers that I miss dearly.
And sometimes, very rarely, I mention having traversed a dark time.
If you are a gay man who came of age in the 1980s. AIDS
All of us were affected. Note I said affected not infected.
This was brought home recently by a tweet from Cleve James, the founder of the AIDS Quilt project.
I invite you in a quiet moment to read some of the reactions and reflect.
Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” was an anthem of our dance floors.
I leave you with this koan: survival is not not-dying.
Imagine a world where people yearly mark a Festival of Social Distancing. Walk a Quilt. Together Apart.
In some parts of that world, they shut the power off. In the Dark, gaze at the stars. Contemplate Space. Know that they are a part.
Francois Lachance
https://berneval.hcommons.orgto think is often to sort, to store and to shuffle: humble, embodied tasks
And so for day 2725
On the question of learning from history, consider
From the MoMA resource to accompany Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series