Jan Morris interviewed in The Guardian by Tim Adams
Morris looks around her bookshelves, the thousands of books that line this long room floor to ceiling. “People always say: ‘Have you read them all?’” she says. “No. but I have an emotional attachment to them all. I pick an old book out and if it is interesting I read a few pages. I put letters and photographs and cards in them to find later.”
Reading Morris brought to mind Ali Smith minding what gets inserted into books that get donated… (“Now when I donate books to the shop I have a flick through to make sure that anything tucked into them isn’t something I might mind losing.”)
Sometimes we placed things with the intent of casting them into the wild.
Sometimes we bury <! – – comments – – > for the observant.
Sometimes we are winked at – take the comments in the HTML coding at Bianca’s Smut Shack where we were enticed not to peek beneath the floorboards – such a lovely metaphor for the relation between source code and browser display. A comment now only floating in memory.
And so for day 2702