a drawn line has more than one direction
or so we are informed by
Mark Truscott “There” Branches
How many lines
in this glimpse
of bare tree?
drawn, a line can
never really move
in just one direction.
It gets complicated from there.
There is a great cover image — a puzzle piece image of a tree. Reproduced in grayscale in the inside covers: once completed or solved and once inverted. Roots. Routes.
In lieu of damaging the spine of my copy of the book by being flattened on a scanner bed, here is the cover designed by Tree Abraham and the cover flipped.
Detail counts in this book. The first line stands alone on the first page: “A branch like a line like a branch” is almost taken up verbatim on the second page “Branch like a line like a branch” — except a noun has been converted into a verb.
And so for day 2386