Magnifying Portions or Reading The Red Blind

I needed a magnifying glass because the weight of the typeface lent a blurring affect given the tight leading.

spread from Greg Evanason - The Red Blind

Some lines that take on a metatextual twist.

Them’s the brakes. Care gives in to bebop pleasure.

Use a concept to pull the hat out of the rabbit.

Don’t be a harness for your own dreams.

cover - greg evanston - the red blind

Greg Evason
The Red Blind
Toronto: The Pink Dog Press, 1991

True printing craftsmanship in producing a chapbook on the long end of 8 1/2 x 11 paper in one signature stapled in the middle. Book design by Kevin Connolly, the founder of Pink Dog Press.

And so for day 2357

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