Puns and Nonesuch

Signage that is memorable.

There are the magnificent murals of Pour Boy. Where one assumes that a poor boy (or girl) can quaff a modestly priced brew.

Apiecalypse Now! – That’s pie as in pizza in case you missed the pun and it’s animal friendly vegan hence the cute racoons sharing a pie.

Signage: apiecalypse pizza

When you need some building maintenance done right go to the fancy spellers at DunRite with a long top on the T.

Signage: dunrite danger work overhead

Which on the company web site looks slick thanks to the Mississauga designers at Reaction Grafix still retaining that swish T.

signage: dunrite building maintenance

And the non-verbal

painted door

Silhouettes on Bathurst

A door to domestic space on Bathurst street south of College looking smartly like the frames of a graphic novel devoted to canines.

Such collecting is inspired by the Dictionary of Words in the Wild at http://lexigraphi.ca

And so for day 1373

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