
Étouffée: A method of cooking food in a tightly closed vessel with very little liquid or even without liquid, often called à l’étuvée.

Étuver: To cook food in covered pan, without moistening. This method of cooking is suitable for all kinds of meat, poultry, vegetables and fruit. A suitable quantity of butter, fat or oil is added. [Larousse Gastronomique]

Therefore, and as much as intervening is no mere uncovering of a desire or meaning, associating is no simple enumeration or reporting; each utterance can reconfigure the many series that precede it, invest them with new meanings and project them in different directions, help them produce further associations or altogether stifle them.

Fadi Abou-Rihan
“Constructions Revisited: Winnicott, Deleuze and Guattari, Freud”
British Journal of Psychotherapy 31, 1 (2015) 20–37

And so for day 1248

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