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Tag Archives: Temporality
Transduction and Assemblages
I’ve quoted this before but my commentary there remains rather lapidary (“Will to do. Makes do.”) and so here again is Adrian Mackenzie. “Transduction: invention, innovation and collective life” (2003) Technological change is consistently and emphatically represented in the form … Continue reading
Theory, Practice and the Time of Practice
Barbara Johnson in the interview published with her Bucknell Lectures in Literary Theory as The Wake of Deconstruction says Analysis and action are not necessarily separable, but they may obey different temporalities. Thinking and doing carve out the possibilities of … Continue reading
Temporal and Spatial Qualities of the Novel
In honour of Tara Collington, friend from graduate school days, and author of Lectures chronotopiques: Espace, temps et genres romanesques There is an old riff I’ve always imagined to have been invented by some graduate student […] struggling through Kant’s … Continue reading
Disabilities of the Mind
This description of Jip from Richard Frost’s Brain and Body is marked by keen observation of being unable to find “the here and now embedded in and explained by what immediately preceded it”. The more I learn about him, the … Continue reading
Hopes and Desires
A tiny slip of paper with tiny script upon which is a sort of list headed by “time space + mind” and in slightly larger letters semiotic migration & fractal osmosis ========= a mindfully global village and swirling around this … Continue reading
Catching On
Roland Barthes from Elements of Semiology translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith Speech (parole): In contrast to the language, which is both institution and system, speech is essentially an individual act of selection and actualization; it is made in … Continue reading
Susan Stewart from On Longing The simultaneity of the printed word lends the book its material aura; as an object it has a life of its own, a life outside human time, the time of the body and its voice. … Continue reading
Counting and Ubiquity
This verse from Gwendolyn MacEwen “Letters to Josef in Jerusalem” lends itself to a reflection upon synchronization. It is countdown; it is the same time everywhere. The time of countdown where anywhere risks becoming a nowhere. And so for day … Continue reading
Time Machine Brain: dancing dendrites
Paul Bouissac in “Three Mini-reviews: Focus on the Brain” quotes from Donald Pfaff Brain Arousal and Information Theory: Neural and Genetic Mechanisms Brains are foretelling devices and their predictive powers emerge from the various rhythms they perpetually generate. At the … Continue reading
Fate of Visions
Marcel Proust in “The Princesse de Guermantes Receives”, Third Chapter of The Past Recaptured, translated by Frederick A. Blossom, on the fragility of memories and the affordances offered by nebulous recall If I still possessed a copy of […], I … Continue reading