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Tag Archives: Pedagogy
How Do We Learn?
Attributed to Confucius By three ways do we learn: first by reflection, which is noblest; second by imitation, which is the easiest; third by experience, which is the bitterest. And so for day 306230.04.2015
Acting, Imagining, Symbolizing
a snippet from Lev Manovich on pedagogical theory and interface design: Piaget > Bruner > Kay Continue reading
Time, Transmission, Learning
Dear Friend, Thank you for the long view over the Montreal skyline into the landscape beyond. I, myself, tend to capture specimens in my own or “borrowed” gardens when out on walks. My long view is temporal. For some gardens … Continue reading
Training & Turning
Gillian Parrish notes: “Communicate your exercises in an inviting tone that generates excitement so students want to take part in them. This is key.” Parrish observes A recent student’s final reflection captured the purpose of these seemingly small weekly … Continue reading
Touching the Dyslexic Core
A Critique 16 Characteristics of Kinesthetic and Tactile Learners Overall this piece moves too quickly from observation (and description) to proposing techniques. It needs to dwell in the body in the world (read, observe) before moving on to report (describe) … Continue reading
The Claims of Youth – The Claims on Youth
I once had a teacher who said that youth thinks it has a monopoly on sex. By his tone we knew that this claim was being challenged. This debunking nicely complements this bit from Natalia Cecire, a counter-claim about learning. … Continue reading
For Instance & The Role of the Teacher
A discussion of computers and the transformation of education and what happens in and beyond the classroom touches upon the role of the teacher. Mon, October 21, 1996 Humanist: 10.0351 forwards Meme 2.13 (Seymour Papert interviewed by David S. Bennahum) … Continue reading
Listen to be Heard
Toronto Public Health has a Child Friendly Policy Framework with a notable acknowledgement of the importance of culture in its set of vision statements Vision Children in Toronto are valued, listened to and treated with respect. Children in Toronto thrive … Continue reading
Like Elegance in Mathematics
A short accessible piece by Joe Morgan on the question of whether to teach coding to children has appeared in Slate. One of its themes is about cultivating an appreciation for quality. Of course, getting something working is just the … Continue reading