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Tag Archives: Narratology
A Taste for Algebra
From a file folder from the early 1990s a typescript of a single paragraph with heading: Identity & Dichotomy Has it ever struck you that when one colour associated with X is taken up by Y, it means something Z? … Continue reading
Vector Sector
There is something of boyhood memories of an advertising campaign that crossed cereals with gasoline (“Put a Tiger in Your Tank”) in this line full of internal rhyme: There’s a Vector in your Sector. A sector has a circumference and … Continue reading
Card trick
Found inscribed on an index card: The nucleus of a narrative would be a description plus a question. The hand writing is loose and the “nucleus” looks like the German word “Nachen” — sailing vessel. And so for day 113 … Continue reading
Copy cat strategems, the blues of trading one tender mercy for a whole pack of signifying woes… From “Rhetoric of the Image” Roland Barthes translated by Stephen Heath The denoted word never refers to an essence for it is always … Continue reading
Past Oral
How is an atheist to read Philip Silver’s translation from Felix Martinez-Bonati’s Fictive Discourse and the Structure of Literature? Sincerely. Descriptively. Observe: Just as there is a reduction or ellipsis of the basic narrative structure, there is also a kind … Continue reading