Tasting truth: three transcriptions

transcription : A taste for truth is not necessarily a taste for non fiction. FL 14.01.07

A taste for truth
is not necessarily
a taste for non

transcription: Gadamer represents understanding not so much as a methodical act of reconstruction of a text, event or work of art, but as an entering into a process of content meditation, of past and present

Gadamer p. 251 Fontina Biographical Companion to Modern Thought

Gadamer represents understanding
not so much as a methodical
act of reconstruction of a
text, event or work of art,
but as an entering into a process of
content meditation, of past
and present

EFo = Eckart Förster

transcription: The pleasure of the text is that moment when my body pursues its own ideas -- for my body does not have the same ideas I do

Roland Barthes The Pleasure of the Text translated by Richard Miller (1975) from the French (1973).

The pleasure of the
text is that
moment when
my body pursues
its own ideas —
for my body does
not have the same
ideas I do.

And so for day 2791

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One Response to Tasting truth: three transcriptions

  1. Francois Lachance says:

    transcription error

    *content for *constant

    the passage should read:

    but as an entering into a process of
    constant meditation, of past
    and present

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