Trying to keep in mind both calendar and time zones may be mind bending.
As one commentator wrote at jill/txt in response to “patterns thankfully disrupted” dated Friday: March 12, 2004 and trying to explain his pluralization of “calendars”.
Let us take the example of the Armistice – November 11 at 11 o’clock. An
occasion marked according to local time. It becomes possible through the
technologies of presence to imagine the marking of a world experience
through a series of 12 before and 12 after. Television is alleged to have
reduced attention spans. The Internet, expanded? Folded in each hour is a
day. Ditto for the minute. Ditto for the second. A calendar is like a map.
And just as maps have insets, calendars in the 21st century might have
“moments” expressed in local time and “windows” expressed in global time.The punctual is given duration in memory.
It is easy to recall Jill awake in Norway and Elouise awake in the U.S.A. at the same moment but in a different window. This is not new. The time at the Greewich Meridian has served as the window marker. What may become renewed is the habit to quote local time and standard time in exchanges.
Blogging itself can be seen as psychologically attractive because of its potential to give duration to the punctual. It was not just the appearance of software that helped blogging catch on (it was possible to upload and update sites daily before blogware came on the scene). The global village wanted to reinstitute the vigil as a practice of relay.
There is a book I have been meaning to read. Time Lord: Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time by Clark Blaise. Maybe it is time.
And so for day 2713