The Claims of Youth – The Claims on Youth

I once had a teacher who said that youth thinks it has a monopoly on sex. By his tone we knew that this claim was being challenged. This debunking nicely complements this bit from Natalia Cecire, a counter-claim about learning.

It is not only the young who are learning; it is, however, more socially acceptable for the young to admit that they are learning. Learners should not be shamed for learning at any age.

The piece goes on to explore how appeal to generational difference is sometimes figured as a “paying the price” which displaces a “doing the reading”.

The enjeu is political:

This conflation of newnesses, and the erasure of learning beyond emergency learning on which it depends (the learning that takes one outside oneself), is a way of relabeling violence as pedagogy, and it is anti-intellectual as well. It is “teaching a lesson” as beating. It rests on the fallacy that learning is an office of youth, where youth is a category of subjection to legitimate violence. (That is to say: it makes plain the violence on which the designation of “youth” is constituted under patriarchy.) We can learn something from paying a price, but being made to pay is not a pedagogy. Pedagogy means: letting people who are new at this learn, and not imagining that we have nothing to learn ourselves. I absolutely do not mean this in some liberal “let’s all be nice to each other and hear all sides” way. In fact, I believe that “being nice” and the regimes of favor that it entails often lead straight to abuse. What I mean is: let’s not confuse doing the reading for paying the price.

And so for day 2686

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