Avian Names

There are lots of birds in this collection by Linda Bierds The Hardy Tree.

Traces of the poet-writer self? Or persona?

Figures of fleeting moments and form…

The ending of “The Hardy Tree”

[…] young birds
that just a year ago were not birds at all,
but only particles of grain,
and earth, and air, and rain.

The ending of “Evolution” (the non-italicized lines are from Schrödinger’s What is Life?)

In no case, then, is there a loss of personal existence to deplore–
marten, whitethroat, blackbird,
lark–nor will there ever be

From the middle of “Metamorphosis: 1680”

From the eagle, swan, crow, lark,
the diminishing quills.

And they fly out of sight but in memory they remind us of passage…

And so for day 2664

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