Salt, Biscuit Dough, and a Slow Oven

The gendered norms are evident in the call out: The Soft Way to your Husband’s Heart.

Monarch Cake and Pastry Flour - The Soft Way to your Husband's Heart - cover

Interestingly one way is through producing something crunchy to nibble on: nibblers.

Monarch Cake and Pastry Flour - The Soft Way to your Husband's Heart - recipes from Tea Biscuit basic dough

Twice baked marvel.

monarch Cake and Pastry Flour - The Soft Way to your Husband's Heart - recipes for nibblers

Monarch Cake and Pastry Flour is still available in Canadian supermarkets.Though the keepsake recipe book from 1962 published by Maple Leaf Mills Limited might be harder to find it is likely to appeal to many hearts regardless of matrimonial status or camp sensibilities …

And so for day 2555

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