The Rituals of the Evening

I thought sundowning was a synonym for winding down. Actually it refers to the agitation of Alzheimer’s patients at the end of the day as their environment shifts. My take on the term to refer to prepping for sleep is idiosyncratic. But I like it and will find it hard to let go the meaning I affixed to it … Or I could resort to the French “le coucher” — the actions of preparing for bed.

I have a playlist for the half hour or so leading to the brushing of teeth and the setting of clocks. Here’s the play list for the evening wind down…


  • For A Friend – The Communards
  • These Are The Days Of Our Lives – Queen
  • Being Boring – Pet Shop Boys
  • Proud – Heather Small (Peter Presta Mix for Queer As Folk Final Season)
  • To Love Somebody – Bee Gees
  • Why – Annie Lennox

You might be surprised to see a beat-driving piece in the list. The lyrics lead one to reflect on the day – what have you done today to feel proud? There is always a little something to carry into dreaming.

Thinking of adding Lully Trios pour le coucher du Roi to the playlist. I’ll sleep on it.

And so for day 2554

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