First deconstruction: love in hand
be a jack-of[F]-all-ndns
Second deconstruction: rebooting
i have made a life of s[c]ham[e]
[ctrl]definesshame: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness
of wrong or foolish behaviour
[alt]definescham: etymologically shame comes from an indo-euro word which referred to
covering the face
[del]definesham: falsely present something as the truth; bogus; false; a pillow sham
Third deconstruction: re(pair)
so i’ve decided to break it
in – dig – e – nous
nóein, nóēsis, niyanán
niyanán – we/us (excluding you); kiyánaw (incl.) = we/us (including you)
First Reconstruction: the setting
instead i dance in pool halls to rihanna
“bitch better have my money”
wait for the sharks to get horny
get them off for another beer
reassure them that everyones a little gay
honey-boo-boo even told me so
channel app to exoticate myself
be a jack-of[F]-all-ndns
“thank you, come again”
tell him, “hey bo’
this is treaty 1 territory
so you may as well treat yourself too”
Second Reconstruction: the set
I’m not sure i like the word “indigenous”
when it simply divides, crippled, dying
by fighting each other to hold its hand
so I’ve decided to break it
in – dig – e- nous
nóein, nóēsis, niyanán
bound by the wounds that tell our stories
feeling love & pain together
indigeniety can encompass so much more
if we interject, intersect, interlay
not compete or compare
share, grow together, sideways
woven together like kokums hair
braided, queer & punk
channelling our minds
like a honeycomb
to bind, break, reclaim
reject the greed fingers
of settler colonialism
Third Reconstruction: ctrl+alt+del – transforms from
Joshua Whitehead
Full-Metal Indigiqueer
First Deconstruction – “april 5: pass[hang]over”
Second Deconstruction – “to my mister going to bed”
Third Deconstruction – “the hive”
First Reconstruction – “april 5: pass[hang]over”
Second Reconstruction – “the hive”
And so for day 2164