The Quotable Oscar Wilde by Sheridan Morley renders this with two instances of “very”
I have very simple tastes, I am always satisfied with the very best.
I have seen a similar sentiment attributed to Winston Churchill: “I am easily satisfied with the best.”
Apparently the source for the Wilde text doesn’t have the double (or any) “very”. 1917, Oscar Wilde: An Idler’s Impression by Edgar Saltus, Quote Page 20, Brothers of the Book, Chicago. To wit: “I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.”
I derive this information from the ever resourceful Quote Investigator (Garson O’Toole). who also enlightens us on the matter of the reference to (not by) Churchill: “Winston Churchill was associated with a similar statement, but he did not say the words himself. Instead, the comment was reportedly made by the British statesman F. E. Smith who used it when describing Churchill’s tastes.”
Our thanks for the very best of investigations. [And the opportunity to snidely correct those that would impute to the great Oscar the double “very” which so cheapens the sentiment not to mention the marks of taste.]
And so for day 1896