Objects in Motion Appear Closer

Mark Waldron. The Brand New Dark.

There are two poems that could be companion pieces because of their use of extended conceit. One animates sheets; the other, turns a bathtub into a sled.

The Sheets and Pillowcases

in this place, have a design printed on them
and he imagines the patterns might get up his nose while he sleeps


The oneiric qualities are also evident in “The Run”.

They’re in the bath together.
Like tobogganists heading down and down a hill,
snow covering the land like a sleep.


Of course the poem includes the waking up: “One day she may turn and find him gone. / Fallen off somewhere, / tumbling back towards the world.” The fun trick is that the reader can get back on and ride the poem one more time.

And so for day 1650

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