Saeed Jones.
Prelude to Bruise.
There are two ways to parse this title. One to focus on the noun — the emergence of the mark of a wound (a bruise); the other to emphasize the verb and see the prelude as the first step towards the act of bruising.
The two ways join together when we consider the reader as being the recipient of striking images. Images meant to leave a lasting impression.
Take this
fossilized night
to describe the point of eyes in “Anthracite” [high grade coal].
And from a charming poem (“Sleeping Arrangement”) about relegating a (former?) lover to underneath the bed, this memorable line
Learn the lullabies of lint.
Finally, this conclusion to a poem entitled “Kudzu” after the invasive vine
If I ever strangled sparrows,
it was only because I dreamed
of better songs.
This bears all the sensitivity of one proud to bruise.
And so for day 1347