Ontario’s Local Food Act has an invigorating preamble that is a celebration of natural and human resources. It doubles as a call to working together to achieve a shared vision. It’s all about togetherness. And interlocking diversities.
Ontario has robust and resilient local food systems: a highly productive agricultural land base, a favourable climate and water supply, efficient transportation and distribution systems, and knowledgeable, innovative farmers, food processors, distributors, retailers and restaurateurs. These resources help ensure that local food systems thrive throughout the province, allowing the people of Ontario to know where their food comes from and connect with those who produce it.
The variety of food produced, harvested and made in Ontario reflects the diversity of its people. This variety is something to be celebrated, cherished and supported. Strong local and regional food systems deliver economic benefits and build strong communities.
Maintaining and growing Ontario’s local and regional food systems requires a shared vision and a collaborative approach that includes working with public sector organizations. The process of setting goals and targets to which the people of Ontario can aspire provides an opportunity to work with industry, the public sector and other partners to promote local food and to develop a shared understanding of what needs to be done to support local food in Ontario.
I like the elaboration of the themes through an implied conceit of psychological development: this is who we are; this is what we do; this is what we hope to become. A far cry from the do and don’t language of most laws.
And so for day 1321