April 24, 2003.
Excerpt from online chat re paper Of Drugs, Messages and Time
Pia: Our Staff Development program offered a workshop for the faculty on How to Say Hello and Goodbye in the semester.
CaroleM: A debrief can enable students to see the ROI in their sharing and alternative methods of reusing them [i.e. work on file or work in progress]
CaroleM: sounds interesting Pia
Beverley: Pia, can you elaborate a bit?
Pia: The faculty agreed that we are good at getting started and acquainted in the class
lachance: When do you begin to say goodbye?
Pia: But at the end of the semester we faculty are mostly concerned with grading the finals
Pia: Rather than creating an environment to reflect on what was learned throughout the semester.
lachance: Portable & shareable creations worthy of commentary spring from recognizing we must say goodbye
lachance: a good learning situation creates memories.
This interaction led to another online contribution in the form of “Infrastructure and Transactions: students as custodian-enablers” for the Online In Higher Education, School of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Purdue/University Fort Wayne, November 2003. That paper has a feisty conclusion:
I do know that characterizing the online learning experience as a perpetual field trip, a magical show and tell, means that we can do a lot more with less. And someone someday will tell some dean that online learning is all about an encounter: pedagogy of the oppressed meets the theatre of poverty.
And so for day 1120