There is something akin to a mixture of imaginative labour in seizing through an almost casual and chance-like operation, the perfect occasion in Leonard Lawlor’s book on Derrida and Ricoeur. It is there in the summarizing he does at the end of Part I. He looks forward.
Thus, we are going to have to examine the explicit term Derrida substitutes for dialectic, dissemination. When we examine the notion of dissemination, as it is developed in “The Double Session,” we shall see that chance displaces imagination. This displacement is the difference between Ricoeur and Derrida.
And the sentences coming at the end of Part II perform a similar gesture in a retroactive mode.
The empty space between, what Ricoeur’s hermeneutics, perhaps hermeneutics in general, does not account for; empty space, what Derrida’s deconstruction, perhaps deconstruction in general including that of Heidegger, counts on. This brings us to one more difference between the thought of Ricoeur and Derrida: hermeneutics, the endless questioning of the one principle, of the monarch; deconstruction, the infinite response to the lack of a principle, to anarchy.
Both passages lifted in an almost aleatory manner to be presented to the luck of the reader: from Imagination and Chance: the Difference between the Thought of Ricoeur and Derrida.
And so for day 806