The venue for this was a posting to the McLuhan discussion list (Sept. 24, 2001). Very much in the vein of a McLuhanesque probe.
Do you know of anyone who can verify reports that Islamic pacifists are calling for the withdrawal of Arab capital from Western banks in order to cut funds to terrorists?
Islam forbids usury. At one time Christianity did too.
Do you know of any academic paper discussing Islamic banking and the IMF?
Do you know anyone who can verify reports of Islamic and other pacifists lining up at police stations and consulates around the world to ask for the disclosure of the financial connections of terrorist suspects?
“It may seem like another lifetime, but it’s actually only a year ago that the conservative business magazine The Economist published an editorial saying that the most pressing moral, political and economic issue of our time is Third World poverty.” Linda McQuaig, National Post Sept. 24/01
The discourse of policy makers and politicians may yet turn to income inequality and its drag on the world economy.
And so for day 732