On readiness and redness

Umberto Eco

Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition

Translated from the [1997] Italian by Alastair McEwen

New York, San Diego, London : Harcourt Brace & Company


PAGE: 62

But all things considered, Peirce distinguishes the two moments: both are identified with the naming of that which is experienced, and to name its always to make a hypothesis (just think of Marco Polo’s efforts in this regard). But the names given to recognize sensations (such as the sensation of redness) are casual, not truly motivated; they serve only to distinguish (as if by sticking a label on them) a certain sensation from others; I say that I sense redness to exclude other possible chromatic sensations, but the sensation is still subjective, temporary, and contingent, and the name is attributed to it as a signifier whose meaning is still unknown. Instead, with the concept we move on to the signified.

my initial resorting:

from signifier (sensing) to signified (concept) from the contingent, temporary + subjective to the intersubjective

Note: as evident from my crossing and recrossing, I was/am having some thoughts about the subjective, intersubjective and the trans-subjective

Note: I mixed up *contingent for *objective



Screenshot Twitter Feed 17.01.2022 -- a nod/note captured as -not- -- inter-subjective | trans-subjective | a-subjective | ob-jective
* Note (seems nod/note came to be represented by not)

All this work was done under the sign of anacoluthon — expecting the missing unexpectedness …

Notes taken on several occasions from December 2021 to mid January 2022 - not anacoluthon at head -- this was about missing the unexpected
Under the sign of anacoluthon

And so for day 3048

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