Astrid Ensslin (“Towards Relational Posthumanism: Writing new body worlds in digital fiction”) in the Spectrums of Digital Humanities series hosted by McGill University Digital Humanities provided theoretical background and screen shots of a project (“Writing New Bodies“) which uses methods of feminist participatory action research and critical community co-design to develop an interactive digital story app.
I am intrigued by chosen nomenclature for the shape and animation of the organics (animated biomorphs) piloting the interactive fiction about body image: “docile”. The term of course is superbly suited to the context of body image generation. “Docile Bodies,” comes from the Foucault’s Discipline and Punish and references the subtle and sometimes invisible power that leads to the acceptance of normalization.
Etymologically “docile” means “teachable” (not just disciplined). Given interactive fiction as context, docile also implies readiness to teach, a becoming-teacher.
And so for day 2930