Alana Wilcox, Editorial Director at Coach House Books, has been kind to me.
I had borrowed from the Toronto Public Library Sylvia Legris’s Nerve Squall.
The copy (first edition from 2005) has in the Sources section a note about the front epigraph which is said to be taken from Derek Jarman’s Chroma. But in this copy (edition? printing?) there does not appear a front epigraph. A tantalizing hint.
Alana was so kind to check and report:
Hello again!
I had to come in to the office today, so I took a look.
Very strange — my copy of the book has the epigraph on an unpaginated page that would be page 7. It’s set low on the page, and is very short (“Colour sings in the grey.”), but it’s there.
Is your 7th page blank? That would be very odd! Can you check which printing it is? I’m looking at the third. Maybe it went missing in a different print run? No one has mentioned it before.
Bonus — Google’s optical character recognition software picks up a bit of broken type — the “a” in Chroma — and renders it as “u” in Chromu
There is no end to the marvellous meanderings of signifiers – lost and found.
Thanks again to Alana Wilcox for bringing the epigraph and its colour to make the grey sing.
And so for day 2895