Timed Twined

egg-bearing time
knitting a nest
from another time

le temps ovipare
d’un autre temps

I first came to these lines and attempted a translation through the work of Tara Collington. “Le nid du temps : le chronotope créateur dans Lithochronos ou Le premier vol de la pierre d’Andrée Christensen et Jacques Flamand” in L’espace-temps dans les littératures périphériques du Canada. She reads this image and text collaboration in the light of Bakhtin’s notion of the chronotope. She arrives at the conclusion that the the creator-creating-chronotope (chronotope créateur) enfolds more than one temporality. This chimes in perfectly with Flamand’s and Christensen’s attention to the different time series of the stone and of the disintigrating bird carcass which cross in the figure of the nest and with the different time series of authoring and of reading enfolded in the creation. Collington writes: “Ce n’est pas la nuit des temps, mais plutôt le nid de temps, un espace-temps créateur qui donne naissance à quelque chose.” The homophonic play between “nuit” and “nid” that she detects invites the reader to meditate on the imbricated times that the poetic text figures. An so with entwined times twisting in my head, I attempted a translation:

le temps ovipare
d’un autre temps

egg-bearing time
knitting a nest
from another time

And so for day 2877

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