Arriving and Leaving: the Exchange

The Graywolf Annual Five: Multi-Cultural Literacy: Opening the American Mind (1988)

Guillermo Gómez-Peña

What strikes me is that a historically situated subject position is rhetorically conveyed in an identificatory prose, the reader is seduced to be on side:

Our generation belongs to the world’s biggest floating population: the weary traveler, the dislocated, those of us who left because we didn’t fit anymore, those of us who still haven’t arrived because we don’t know where to arrive at, or because we can’t go back anymore.

Our deepest generational emotion is that of loss, which comes from our having left. […]

In exchange, what we won was a vision of a more experimental culture, that is to say, a multi-focal and tolerant one.

Is what was won still in our/their possession?

And so for day 2795

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