Incitation to Larcency

Massimo Bottura from the concluding paragraph to the introduction to Bread is Gold

Food waste is one of the biggest problems of our century and our generation’s cross to bear. Numbers are numbers. Almost one billion people are undernourished. One-third of the food we produce globally is wasted every year, including nearly four trillion apples. Just imagine how many apple pies we could make? If we don’t do something about it now, the numbers will only get worse. I am an optimist and I believe that we are already making positive change. This is just one of many projects aimed at reducing food waste around the world. The good thing is that everyone can participate. A recipe after all is a solution to a problem. Choose to be part of the solution by cooking and sharing a meal around a table. It might be the most revolutionary thing you do all day.

Which leads me to a Blakean statement.

If a recipe is a solution, a garden is a crime.

A systems view of broaching the issue of food security and distribution:

where I learnt about other sorts of desert: banking desert; book desert.

Enough to loose one’s appetite. (ah, the radical potential of fasting).

And so for day 2602

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