I like the calligraphy on the left. It occupies the space like the brushstrokes of a line or two of verse on a Japanese scroll.
Every Sunday
they ate a
lemon pound cake
and made plans
for the week.
The sitters are the famous pair of Alice Toklas and Gertrude Stein. Recognizable from their hair and the walls of paintings in the room.
Cake. Maira Kalman with recipes by Barbara Scott-Goodman.
Jama Rattigan at Jama’s Alphabet Soup: An Eclectic Feast of Food, Fiction, Folderol and Chewy Culinary Verse furnishes her article with a reproduction of the Kalman illustration (sans calligraphy) and provides a 1941 photograph by Thérèse Bonney (misidentified as Bonnet) that inspired the picture.
And so for day 2584