petite pleasure

Lynne Huffer. Mad for Foucault: Rethinking the Foundations of Queer Theory p. 126

We queer Cartesians love our orgasms because they allow us to flirt with those errancies of the mind that we touch, ever so gently, in la petite mort. Still, I’ve always been struck that although people tune in to the mort part of the metaphor, it’s the petite dimension of it that’s important. The petite makes it liveable, pleasurable, repeatable. We may fantasize about an endless orgasm – or even a fifteen minute one. […] We toy with the idea of a grande mort, but we couldn’t really live it.

Because the petite mort is repeatable, its set of characteristics is also reversible: repeatable, pleasurable, liveable. Thus connectable.

And so for day 2545

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