Levity Amongst the Layers

I have been trawling through the literature on overlapping hierarchies and have repeatedly come across puns and other forms of humour. One of the outstanding examples comes from Steve deRose.

This model, originally named HORSE (Hierarchy-Obfuscating Really Spiffy Encoding) may seem wooden at first, but soon it comes to look quite natural. With its spartan syntax it should be attractive; but its name seems less so, and clearly a Muse meant us to rename this model


because of its heavy use of point events scattered throughout the text or data stream: click, clicks, clix.

The acronym in itself is funny but even more humorous given that it is part of an extended conceit playing with a name: “This approach, which after Troy [Griffiths] is called ‘Trojan milestones'”. And is redoubled by the allusive heading to this section: “Catching Hell’n Tagging”.

From “Markup Overlap: A Review and a Horse” (2004)

And so for day 2377

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