
“Odd Blocks” — it’s the opening poem to Kay Ryan’s The Best of It: New and Selected Poems.

monuments to
randomness become
fixed points in
finding home.
And why not
also in the self,
the odd blocks,
all lost and left,
become first facts
toward which later
a little town
looks back?

Self and landscape — also applicable to the elements of the poem and the poems of the book. Embedded in the middle of “Odd Blocks” is the statement that marks both a beginning and an ending: “Order is always / starting over.” A set of lines that sticks out in its own way with a different lithology.

Erratic: An erratic is a boulder transported and deposited by a glacier having a lithology different than the bedrock upon which it is sitting. Erratics are useful indicators of patterns of former ice flow.

And so for day 2210

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