bill bissett – The Gypsy Dreamer
Director: Luis De Estores
Described as “an evocative, multifaceted portrait of acclaimed Canadian poet, artist, singer, and peer mental health advocate, bill bissett”.
“forget living a normal life that’s my message of hope, my message of hope is try and most successfully, most organically, most exquisitely, most happily, live your own life”
Caroline Bayard and Jack David have a wonderfully evocative description of bill bissett in the introduction to Out-posts / Avant-postes
bissett, in performance, relies absolutely on the poem: he does not supply anecdotes about when and why the poem was written and he often commences a reading by chanting one of his single-line (many times repeated) poems, such as “day go day go my heart a cum home a”. To first-time bissett observers, his chanting, Indian-like poems, and his rattle, often come as a surprise or a revelation. Each performance differs as the “spirit” indicates, for there are no definite patterns to follow.
I was privileged to hear him live here at Glad Day Bookshop in the Poetic Justice series. He did indeed open with a chant. And I’m so glad that Luis De Estores captured some of the magic. it mks the or din airy speshul
And so for day 2065