Connections, directions, corrections

Some one sent me a link to “The career advice I wish I had at 25” by Shane Rodgers. It seems to populate many management sites all over the World Wide Web. This is the one item on the list that caught my attention.

6. Management is about people, not things

It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that all people are equal, behave the same every day and have a generic capacity to perform. Humans are simply not made like that. Business guru Jack Welch says the workforce consists of 20 per cent of people who are high performers, 10 per cent that you should get rid of and 70 per cent who do okay. The problem is the 70 per cent. Most managers want everyone in the 20 per cent. We need to be careful not to believe that the 70 per cent are underperformers. Sometimes we need to celebrate the competence of the masses not the superpowers of the elite. As managers, we are not managing things, we are empowering people and making the best use of whatever it is they bring to the table.

I wrote back to my interlocutor that this interesting take on managing performance might lead to some advice for managers about the interactions among themselves. I remarked “Seriously though – I think (from my limited perception from the outside) managers are very hard on managers – we as staff rarely hear managers celebrating each other…”

And of course there is the important aspect of sincerity and specificity:

Beware of the “Praise Trap”

It is important to reinforce when children have done well and worked hard. Reinforcing this by saying “you really worked hard on that puzzle, didn’t you” or “I see you’ve collected all of the cars and put in them in the basket, that’s wonderful Jack!” is much more informative than “good job tidying” or “you are so smart.” The first type of praise encourages the child and fosters motivation from within (intrinsic motivation), whereas the second type of praise can lead to children looking for reward or praise which typically means they work less (extrinsic motivation).

The article not only has some insight on praise and providing positive feedback it also invites people to consider their C:D:C ratios. That is how much of their interactivity is devoted to

Correction: Direction: Connection

Let me direct you to the early education site for more info on C:D:C including video where Dr. Jean Clinton explains the differences between connecting and directing.

And so for day 1770

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