I have on occasion examined the results of my cutting paper into smaller sizes for note taking and list making. Sometimes I observe that the results offer a kind of poetry.
And on this one occasion I returned to underline the preserved text — a way of punctuating and so reading by emphasis … almost like the negative space of silhouettes.
The perception of the world as ever changing, ever requiring the human being to be alert to the requirements of proper relations, means that views from every vantage point are valuable in making decisions. While older persons are generally thought to be wiser by virtue of their longer experience, the perceptions of children and young people are not discounted. The roles of teacher and learner in an Aboriginal world can be interchangeable, depending on the context.
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996)
Volume 1 – Looking Forward Looking Back
Part Three: Building the Foundation of a Renewed Relationship
Chapter 15 – Rekindling the Fire in the subsection “Words Are Not Enough”
Further comments on this passage: https://berneval.hcommons.org/2011/09/12/what-is-taught-and-what-teaches/
And so for day 1767