Full Senses Five and Fine Company

Deborah Madison

A meal engages all the senses. Although we tend to consider the taste of the food to be primary, our enjoyment is made up of many parts: the aroma of cooking food that can fill a room, the colors of the various dishes, subtle or bright, and the different textures, soft and silky or chewy and dense. Even sounds can be enticing, such as the crackling of parchment-wrapped vegetables or the sizzling of a sauté. The food itself, its presentation, the sequence of courses — all these elements work together to capture the attention of those eating and to involve them in the pleasures of the table. The meal should do just that and no more, so that conversation and conviviality are not overwhelmed by food that requires homage. The perfect meal is one that draws people together with dishes that may be delicious, even gorgeous, but then lets them go so they can enjoy one another’s company.

Peroration to the Introduction to The Greens Cookbook.

And so for day 1569

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