bp nichol. The Martyrology Book II.
you scream his name against the stars
he does not answer
i answer turn
i answer turn
play with the pronouns. map the you to a male interlocutor. map the i to a male speaking voice. turns out that what you may have here is a wise old queen telling a young buck, “you’ll get over him and find another.”
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permutations, fantastical
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Félix Guattari. A Liberation of Desire: An Interview by George Stambolian in Homosexualities and French Literature (1979).
[P]oetry is a rhythm that transmits itself to the body, to perception. A fantasy when it operates does not do so as a fantasy that represents a content, but as something that puts into play, that brings out something that carries us away, that draws us, that locks us onto something.
And what sexualities does “us” bear?
And so for day 1360