There Goes The Neighbourhood

Inspired by Jean-Jacques Lecercle’s introduction to The Force of Language (by Jean-Jacques Lecercle and Denise Riley) I am about to play an obliteration game (in reverse) with a segment by Lisa Robertson. First, Lecercle’s example generated by dropping one word at a time.

Oh, Sir Jasper, please do not touch me!
Oh, Sir Jasper, please do not touch!
Oh, Sir Jasper, please do not!
Oh, Sir Jasper, please do!
Oh, Sir Jasper, please!
Oh, Sir Jasper!

And also inspired by bp nichol and his “Translating Translating Appollinaire” we tackle this from Lisa Robertson’s The Apothecary

I was mobilized during a company thinktank to become
an entrepreneur so by porous analysis I refashioned my
rank altering crude plumbing to unmarred landscape
in one abridged gesture then called my document a

Initial step – strip out all but first letters

I w m d a c t t b
a e s b p a I r m
r a c p t u l
i o a g t c m d a

Next step – some restoration

I wa mo du a co th to be
an en so by po an I re my
ra al cr pl to un la
in on ab ge th ca my do a


I was mob dur a com thi to bec
an ent so by por ana I ref my
ran alt cru plu to unm lan
in one abr ges the cal my doc a


I was mobi duri a comp thin to beco
an entr so by poro anal I refa my
rank alte crud plum to unma land
in one abri gest then call my docu a

Bear with us More

I was mobil durin a compa think to becom
an entre so by porou analy I refas my
rank alter crude plumb to unmar lands
in one abrid gestu then calle my docum a

And a whinny we continue

I was mobili during a compan thinkt to become
an entrep so by porous analys I refash my
rank alteri crude plumb to unmarr landsc
in one abridg gestur then called my docume a

Getting there

I was mobiliz during a company thinkta to become
an entrepr so by porous analysi I refashi my
rank alterin crude plumbi to unmarre landsca
in one abridge gesture then called my documen a

Resisting the desire to rush on Getting there

I was mobilize during a company thinktan to become
an entrepre so by porous analysis I refashio my
rank altering crude plumbin to unmarred landscap
in one abridged gesture then called my document a

See what dangles uncompleted

I was mobilized during a company thinktank to become
an entrepren so by porous analysis I refashion my
rank altering crude plumbing to unmarred landscape
in one abridged gesture then called my document a

Only three spots

I was mobilized during a company thinktank to become
an entreprene so by porous analysis I refashione my
rank altering crude plumbing to unmarred landscape
in one abridged gesture then called my document a

Then there were two

I was mobilized during a company thinktank to become
an entrepreneu so by porous analysis I refashioned my
rank altering crude plumbing to unmarred landscape
in one abridged gesture then called my document a

Who will be the last?

I was mobilized during a company thinktank to become
an entrepreneur so by porous analysis I refashioned my
rank altering crude plumbing to unmarred landscape
in one abridged gesture then called my document a

In the hood…

I was mobilized during a company thinktank to become
an entrepreneur so by porous analysis I refashioned my
rank altering crude plumbing to unmarred landscape
in one abridged gesture then called my document a

I knew upon first reading that “neighbourhood” was privileged by its position and suspected also by its length. The letter by letter reconstruction confirms this. It also reveals the space accorded to entrepreneurial refashioning.

And so for day 1043

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