We are infected.
“retrochronal semiovirus, in which a time further in the future than the one in which we exist and choose infects the host present, introducing itself in simulacra, until it destroys all the original chronotocytes of the host imagination”
Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr. Fiction 2000. eds. George Slusser and Tom Shippey (U. of Georgia Press, 1992) p. 26
Symptom: we have begun to speculate on Buddhist underpinnings to Russian logic and mathematics that would have influenced Bakhtin’s chronotope studies.
Besides the Asiatic Researches (issues as early as 1799 are quoted by Schopenhauer), it can be seen from the same list [of best books on Buddhism] that in the middle period of his lifelong and careful studies of these problems there followed a better acquaintance with the Mahāyāna sources, mainly of Tibetan Buddhism, thanks to the outstanding scholarly services rendered to the promotion of Asian studies by the Russian St. Petersburg Academy. The high standard of the internationally organized research work carried out by this Academy and the fundamental importance, even today, of some works, especially the Sanskrit Dictionary (in seven volumes) and the famous series of the Bibliotheca Buddhica, should be better known and appreciated by Buddhists in Asia. […] The books published in the 20th century (down to 1930) by the leading scholar of that Academy, Th. Stcherbatsky, and his collaborators (Rosenberg, Obermuller) on special problems of Buddhist philosophy (Buddhist Logic and Epistemology, Nirvāna, and detailed analysis of Abhidhamma terms and implicit philosophical questions) may rightly be considered as the most concise Buddhist studies that the West has produced down to the present time.
Bhikkhu Nanajivako Schopenhauer and Buddhism (Kandy, Ceylon: the Buddhist Publication Society, 1970)
Just one more take on twisted time.
And so for day 912