Pending and Pensive

Daphne Marlatt sharing a keynote with Nicole Brossard at a gathering in honour of translator and theorist Barbara Godard reminds us of the palpable work that play with language involves.

ah, words wording the worder. so that her edges disappear in verb-touch, prepositional shift, noun-lure, the beckoning of a comma, so perception unfurls in infinite leafings out, cognate recognitions….

Daphne Marlatt shared with Nicole Brossard the keynote address for “Inspiring Collaborations” the symposium in honour of Barbara Godard, held in December, 2008.

Taking the next breath in. On the largest level we collaborate continuously because the next breath in is the breath of all the others who surround us, the expiration of leaves, of people, the outpouring of clouds and rivers, the exhalation of living seas. We collaborate without even recognizing that we do so. This is the collaboration of inter-dependent giving that species in a balanced habitat offer one another, all the others.

Marlatt’s keynote was entitled “Breaks and Becomings” after a phrase by Godard. Available on line

And so for day 852

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